This will be a quickie, but it could be a total saver for those of you after a long weekend away. I love nothing more than enjoying myself on a vacation, but then coming home and starting fresh. I spent the weekend in New Orleans with some girl friends, and we ate and drank our way through the city. That being said, it was time to start fresh. I was glad I was able to take today off to allow myself to restock the fridge, get some extra veggies and to take the time to recoup. I think a lot of times, however, people get worked up about eating out of their norm while on vacation and put so much pressure on getting back on track. Starting with just one meal at a time to make a better choice, and to make sure to drink a lot of water, will help you get back to your normal self.

One of my favorite ways to boost my immune system and provide a little detox, is with a fresh yummy juice. I don't use it to replace a meal (unless you're incorporating more protein) but I do love adding it as a mid-morning or afternoon snack. I do have a juicer, but now that I have my brand new Blendtec. If you didn't see my stories on Instagram, I talked a little bit about the benefits of it, one being that it can juice whole fruits and veggies. If you have a juicer or a high powered blender, add this into your routine to give yourself a boost.
Its as simple as throwing it all in the blender. Other than the fruits and vegetables, I added in some maca powder and chia seeds for a little fat. Minced ginger has some great detox benefits and is a huge stomach aid, which is why it is the number one thing I don't forget to add. The last thing I love to add, once I blend it through one time, is to add a little ice, to make it super nice and cold - making it really refreshing, filling, and you'll feel great after adding this to your day.
ginger apple kale detox juice
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
2 carrots, cut in chunks
1 apple, cut in chunks
1 big handful of kale or spinach
1 tablespoon minced ginger
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon maca powder
1 cup water
Optional: 1/2 cup of ice
Chop up your apples, carrots and kale.
In high speed blender, add water, fruits and veggies, maca, chia and ginger. Blend on high (or juice/smoothie setting)
Add in optional ice, and pulse until completely blended.