I guess you could say I didn't plan to write about this one, but it turned out so good that I kind of had to. Its funny - since I began documenting nearly everything I make, in the times in which I don't break out my camera while cooking dinner, he asks me why I'm not taking a picture of it for the blog. My usual answer is that "I don't know if its going to be good enough to write about" to which he casually reminds me that its the 'modge-podge meals,' as we thoughtfully dub them in our house, tend to be my best creations. They're the ones where you open the fridge and ask yourself 'what the heck am I going to make with this?' or those times in which you think you have nothing to make a yummy dinner option left, or when you're just too tired to think about it. This was one of those nights. And while the title is certainly not the most eloquent, it was one of those dinners that after we ate, we both realized this could be a true contender in our typical rotation.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, our refrigerator has been on the fritz, resulting in us going to the grocery store every few days (which I hate) and mid-week I've been feeling a little depleted and lacking in creativity for a meal. So we've got one package of chicken, barely enough spinach for anything, feta, one corn cob and mushrooms. Surely I can make something with that. Turns out this one was a real winner.
You'll start by sauteing a chopped onion and garlic in a little olive oil over medium heat. Once they begin to brown, you'll throw in your mushrooms. I love cooking mushrooms way down, they kind of soak up the garlicky flavor and take on a new composition. When I've gotten the mushrooms just about to where I want them (about 5-7 minutes) I'll lower the heat and throw in the spinach and corn right off the cob. I like to let it cook slowly, and to not overcook anything. While that all is on the stove top, I decided to boil up some pasta. I love the G-Free brown rice and quinoa pasta. I wouldn't recommend their spaghetti - for some reason it gets super gloopy, but the others are great. Another thing to make note, if you read my Pad Thai recipe, make sure you rinse the pasta in cold water once its done.

While this is all happening, tonight Frank decided to grill the chicken, which made prep for this even easier. Of course, cooking this by baking, using leftovers, or not using meat at all is also a great option. I check back on the mushrooms and spinach after a few minutes and season with salt, pepper, a little dried oregano. That is it. Toss to coat everything. As the pasta finishes, drain, rinse and add to pan. Before I know it, Frank is walking in the door with my grilled chicken (which by the way was also only seasoned with s+p, and I dice it and throw it in the pan as well. Last, but most certainly not least, add your feta and toss to coat.

In about 10 to 15 minutes, I had an awesome dinner to enjoy with my husband out on our porch. It didn't take planning, just a little creativity and flexibility to try something new. And while it may not be the fanciest of meals, it certainly allowed us to spend more time together, than prepping in the kitchen. Hope you like it.